I wrote the first four chapters of Realize Your Greatness as pure prose, but then a voice inside me said, “Make it a story!” I knew this idea certainly warranted my attention, but I didn’t quite know where to begin––until the voice spoke again. “Begin at the beginning, Alice.” Now that was something I’d certainly heard before. So I began with Alice––named after the Alice you’ve known and loved all your life––and I went inside, to a space familiar from my early years when I was growing up in the realm of the imagination. I spent a great deal of my youth in this place, so it was quite natural to go there again for creative inspiration.

I began to write, and the project became more and more compelling as it took on a dynamic all its own. Characters began to appear as if they were fully alive, and their surroundings became magical, as if the settings grew naturally from their own imaginary foundations.

Although the book’s structure emerged from the heights of imagination, the inner meanings and spiritual and transformational processes came from the depths of my experience––my years of studying with gurus and teachers from India, Tibet, the US, and from many other places around the world. What I learned from them––as well as from 35 years of working with clients and my own deep, personal experiences––became the substance of this book.

It includes influences that are transformational, metaphysical, spiritual, therapeutic, and healing, and it’s all wrapped up in a package of the imagination. The main character is drawn from clients and my own experiences, as well as from sheer imaginary influences.
It tells of a truly human odyssey, of moving from darkness into light, and it’s the universal story of countless people who’ve broken through the barriers of their own lives. At the same time it’s a how-to book, with steps that can be replicated by anyone.

Over the years, I’ve read many books about transformational journeys. The world of literature is filled with great tales of characters traveling to gain self-knowledge. Not to seem presumptuous, but this book sits in the same genre as The Canterbury Tales, Gulliver’s Travels, The Wizard of Oz, or, of course, Alice in Wonderland. And if you will forgive me for putting myself in their company, I’ll mention Candide and The Odyssey too. However you wish to categorize it, this book weaves a tale filled with profound practical and spiritual teachings.

I do hope you enjoy reading it and that you take away any of the learning processes that you believe will benefit you. I send you blessings as you undertake your own voyage to self-knowledge, light, and joy.

You can get Realize Your Greatness as a paperback or Kindle book on Amazon.com:


Marilyn Gordon