My heart stayed open every second as I read the answers to my three questions. What a beautiful group of people subscribe to our newsletter. I’ll give you some ideas about the answers you gave, though I’m not doing them justice here. There are many different issues that people here are working with, though they are all about being a human being, and we truly connect on that level. So let me give you some idea about what people said:

Question #1: What’s the greatest challenge you’re experiencing in your life – the kind of challenge that really weighs upon your mind?

 Finding meaning in life and work, finding passion in life, feeling stuck in life; keeping up with finances and creating financial security, creating and maintaining a good business; relationships with family, mate, kids, others; doing well in school; health issues of all kinds; anxiety; weight, loneliness, political grievances; loss of trust, loss of loved ones. A few lucky people had no challenges.

Question #2: What would you like to know more about?

 Health, spirituality, law of attraction, hypnosis, wealth creation and success in business, higher vibration, meditation, relationships with others and with guides, aging and balancing hormones, being happy, intuition, how to attract the right partner, hypnosis and self-hypnosis, the mind, the universe, inner peace, self-discipline, reducing anxiety and fear, reinventing self, clearing out roadblocks and life hurdles, “heal the healer wisdom” for confidence, power, endurance, clearing out negativities and stresses.

Question #3: What do you aspire to in your life?

 Recovering personal power, living with confidence, creating income, being a hypnotist healer, Reiki practitioner, coach; doing God’s work; being successful in business, earning a substantial monthly income; helping people who suffer; success in relationships with family and friends; being a good person; having no worries, having stamina; being a leader and powerful healer, raising vibration, making a difference, living in the here and now, doing life’s work, smiling and helping others to smile; “listening to the wisdom of the light;” excelling in abilities; being at least 120 years old; being less reactive to external stimuli; travelling the world; helping children and grandchildren, healing myself, creating a more loving and spiritual world; continuous physical, mental, and spiritual growth; becoming enlightened.

Of course, there were more answers, but this give you a good idea of what’s deep inside our kindred spirits and ourselves. I’m still processing the meanings behind the answers, and I’ll just see in what ways the answers speak to me. What do they mean to you? Leave some comments here.